Friday, October 11, 2013

A bit more about My Friends in Korea

     I write here when the war was raging, and I was still training in the U.S.. Allow me to introduce some friends,i met these youth in the month of June 1954. All were the children of Refugee parents,or Orphans who had fled South, trying to escape the bitter battles being fought. Many hundreds of those fleeing, although dressed in civilian garb, the U.S. Forces really believed they were Chinese Soldier's attempting to infiltrate thru the defense line of United States forces) there were of course, children being carried or walking, they also were slain . Many "Mistakes"were made, Bombs made of jellied gasoline were frequently dropped on refugee columns, to halt infiltration  Refugee's paid a heavy price, as they tried to gather some food,wood and water. I would never believe that U.S.Air men would deliberately drop bombs and machine gun refugees The Peace movement,must not forget The Korean people and how they suffered,and still our Country feels they need to occupy Korea with dozens of Air Bases, and a large contingent of troops

     That long Road leading to the Peaceful Unification, and the end of the present unnatural division is close by,and The entire Korean People deserve at last the unification, before this can occur both North and South must dis-arm It is time for change. Change is Good!

     The History of Korea will record, that period, after 60 years of Occupation as a pawn in the Foreign Policy of The United States, The Korean People came together At Last! The United States gathered up their Weapons of Mass Destruction and departed.

Jesse Kern
Korea 53-54

Doing a little Business With Mama-San

          Our Company's Laundress, was a pleasant somewhat attractive Woman of about 40 years or so, her main purpose on our base was to engage in buying items off the troopers and then reselling them on the "black market". Almost anything could be sold Cigarettes, lux soap, etc, etc. All these products were wanted by the middle class Koreans. U.S. Currency(greenbacks) could not be held by Soldiers (they must use military payment script) and it was a very serious offence for a Korean citizen to be caught with Greenbacks or script in their possession.....But things happen... people take a chance even me, i would receive in the mail a twenty dollar bill from my aunt Edna a Christmas gift. Our Mama-San explained all this stuff to me "you bring me $10. Green, I give you $ 20. in script.... Hell this had real possibility... except I would have to go thru our postmaster to get a money order to send money home, these transactions were monitored very closely, and some folks i am sure got in trouble. So each month i would bring my two cartons of Marlboro hard pack to my mama san, and she would pay me twice what I paid. thats business.

     Now one day she shows me a Sears Roebuck catalogue, and makes me an offer. She wants me to purchase some very fine material, to make Korean dressers. I agree, I will lay-out the money for her.... we strike a deal. with my money order i send for the goods...... Three weeks and it arrives ( i put it in my foot locker and go visit her). She has no Script only Won Korean money after three weeks, I give her the material she gives me Korean Money (half a foot locker full) I end up giving most of it away to guys with Korean girl friends(they will spend it in the market. I guess I got a Royal Screwing... but it did not turn me against the Korean People. They are hard Workers, and i am amazed at their endurance. I believe that soon will come The Re-unification that all Koreans long for....The Americans will close their bases. and Koreans will live, At Last in Peace

Jess Kern
Korea 1953-54

Just Two weeks in Country!

     Two weeks in country, and i get a desk at the inspection and re-packing office so it appears i will be riding a desk, at least for a while (this might be fun).

     Carved into side of a small mountain, are four buildings, each with a "Blast wall" separating each building, designed to prevent an explosion in one line office spreading to other lines... making a real mess, out of a nice clean production line, and those Workers and Soldiers, inspecting "our goods".

     The "Operation" employed about fifty Korean Workers, several supervisor's and a tough main honcho (top bossman) in charge of all Workers, plus each line had two U.S. Soldiers, keeping close watch on the operation..... and play with the pigtails, that all the girls wore. I was assigned a desk, simply because the officer and master sergeant believed that i had superior knowledge of when Ammo should be delivered to the E.O.D Group Explosive Ordnance Demolition. (and they were right.... except I would cross my fingers every time I had to make a decision.

     The office had A.C. and i stored my paperwork in my desk, and could smoke a cigar, with my feet up on the desk and bullshit about The Brooklyn Dodgers or whatever. The junior officers would love to gather there and do plenty of ass kissing of Mr Reno (a big shot) and our office had splendid A.C..

Next: Big trouble at the railhead.

                                                     Jesse E. Kern
                                                      Korea 1953-54 


Yes! You Still Pull Guard Duty

I still pull Guard Duty ? Yes you do.!

     Only a week in Haeundae, and my name is once again on the bulletin board. All Guards report to the supply room, sign out a Thirty Caliber carbine and two banana clips, report to the orderly room for your instructions.

     My shift was something like three hours on then i get replaced, and a long ride back to our company area. I get dropped off and given strict instructions on just where my guarding was to be performed. My instructions went something like this... Pvt. Kern, your job tonight is to protect this 125 x 50 foot steel building, where are stored our most costly Ordnance (proximity fuses) and other high cost items.

     You will start at this end of the building, walk slowly to the end, right turn, then right turn again back to this point. (at this bulldozer) stop any Korean Civilians that you see crossing the depot at this area, and be alert, keep your weapon loaded. The Second Lt & Sarge then drove away. I was now at a far location, in a very large Ammo base.
     I put a clip in my weapon, and proceeded to climb into the seat of the Bulldozer and thats where i remained until several hours later when in the far distance i saw the headlights of the truck coming to pick me up.

P.S. Oh yes i saw plenty of Korean Farmers, hundreds of feet away, but they were no where near me, i just snuggled up against the steel protective back of the seat, and remained there until nature called me to piss (no more guard duty after that) My concern about my survival, were heightened by the fact that escaped P.O.W.'s Chinese and North Korean's (by the thousands) were wandering all over South Korea. Therefore I act to preserve #1 (Me).

Next: Good stuff from Home
                                                        Jesse Kern
                                                         Korea 1953-54

Oh Jesus ! I broke my goddamed Glasses

Well just sparing with Stan, waiting for Morning Formation, and my glasses get knocked off and broken (i have no spare). The Master Sergeant informs me i will be going by bus back into Pusan, to have a couple of pairs made. That little errand took all day, and when i walked into my hut i was told my name was on the bulletin board (Pvt. Kern, report to the office of the Base Commander at 0900 hours, the next morning). So now my roommates start to razz me about just arriving and already i must go visit The Commander, of course i believed he wanted to discuss my spending the whole day, getting my glasses replaced, but i was way off the mark.

I present myself before our Commander and a civilian wearing olive drab clothes, the civilian wants to talk to me, and says Pvt Kern your civilian job was working with component parts of anti-personnel devices (commonly called booby trap devices). I explain exactly what my work was, and he was disappointed when i said these parts were all "inert" (had no explosive component). It seemed that the assistant to Mr.Rego, was about to rotate back to the U.S. and Rego needed a new assistant. So Mr.Rego said "I might as well take you" and he did. However when I returned to my hut, many important questions were asked... about what punishment was given to me? Well I had coffee with Rego and the Base Commander, I would now assist Mr.Rego... and pull NO Guard duty, K.P. or "fire watch". My skills were much too important to waste my energy. No I am the assistant to the Big Boss Mr Rego, I can't be wasting my time on K.P. or Guard Duty, No ! No ! I am much too important. That's what I believed until my name was on the roster  for guard duty.

And just imagine I had to sign out a 30 caliber carbine, and a couple of Banana Clips, and I was out in the Boonies protecting valuable Ammo (I will write about that adventure) i was the assistant to Mr. Rego (his rank was about a G-S 12). Like a full bird but he just wore a GS on his lapels. I acquired a vast amount of General Knowledge, just keeping eyes and ears open, when he would be making judgments if a certain lot # number of ammo should be re-packed or destroyed. It was not long before my opinion regarding Ammo was sought after, by junior officers, always seeking to keep on the right side of Rego, by treating his assistant with respect.

Next Time ...I will think of something !                       
Jesse Kern
Korea 53-54

My New Home, My job, My room mates.

     Well, she's not much to look at, but she will keep the rain and snow off our head. I'm writing about the Quonset Hut that is now my home, with patch's of sheet metal to keep out the storms, once again i feel lucky that i am Not up on the front lines living in a hole in the ground. When us new replacements arrived, there was no one to welcome us, but then along came a pfc, he answered all questions. "Soldier you go into that first hut, take your gear to last bed against the rear wall" (the procedure is new men go to the back, and move toward the front when others rotate home, it sounds very simple.... Just go to the back of the bus.... and slowly work your way out the front door and home). Well its time for me to get out in the field, and get started inspecting some Ammo. I am waiting at our assembly point, and i start sparring with another new person and my eyeglasses get broken, and i don't have a spare, so i ask an officer what to do. Now i must go back into Pusan to a lab... to get two pair of glasses (it's an all day deal) and when i get back to my company, my roommates tell me that I'm "in trouble and the base Commander wants to see me the next day at 9am". I guess it was because i was in Pusan for the whole day. So i will go and say that everything was very slow at the clinic nothing like New York, where its all hurry-hurry we gotta get it done and by the way, just what is that smell? Brother its human fertilizer, and has been applied to the paddies for hundreds of years. But! you will get to a point where you will not smell it any more.

next time: i visit our Base Commander.
Jesse E. Kern
Korea 1953-54

Grabbing a Brewski in Baltimore

This occurred just before we all were shipped to Korea...
     While receiving training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, in May 1953, I asked a fellow trainee, if we filled up his gas tank, would he take four of us into Baltimore, when he drove in to see his wife at their apartment for a few hours, then pick us up at the same spot for the ride back to the base James Heavel is his name and since James was a bit older (24) then us, we respected James like an older brother, James said "you just be at the spot where i will be dropping you off, Everyone understand !"
     All went well...we put in $10.00 gas,almost filled his tank. We were let off at a main street, i beleive East Baltimore Street, we just drifted along checking out the Women and drinking in the atmosphere when i said lets go in here for a Brewski, Mac a colored Soldier* from Baltimore tried to stop me saying "Jess we won't get service in there" I just said Bullshit and we all went in. We lined up belly to the bar and called out to the Barmaid to please bring four cold Brewski's Mam, well! she stared at me and informed me, that the two White soldiers she would serve, but the two Colored Boys, she would sell them a couple of Beers to go. Mam we stand here in the uniform of our Country.....We are close friends, No! we are more like Brothers.....We wish to drink together....listen to some good country music.... to just relax.... soon we will be on our way to Korea. She said the law is the law! Don't cause a problem, I don't want to call for the M.P.'s. Arthur IrIck takes my arm (Arthur is my bunk mate, he sleeps on top) and the others head out the door. Soon we are at the pick-up spot and here comes our older Brother James Heavel, and as we jabber and discuss what has occured, James drives and lights a smoke, he is the most Relaxed person in the car and at last he speaks.. Hey Guys  Things are changing... soon we will  be drinking "together". This is how i never got my Brewski in Baltimore.

* Colored was acceptable in 1953
   I Was called Whitey or White-boy
Jesse E Kern
Korea 1953-54

Remembering Lincoln's Birthday

     I could never forget the birthday of The Great Emancipator Feb 12. Feb 12 1953,was the day my neighbors summoned me to be examined down at "The Draft Board", once again our Government poked their nose into Asia and found a major War had begun.

    There are differences of opinion on just how that conflict began,lets take the American version. That the North Koreans, trying to unify the two Koreas invaded South Korea and the "conflict "was begun. That is about the story. when my Draft Board called upon me for some assistance. I had a good 
physical exam, and then joined a line (waiting to see the last Doctor, He would give the final ok) My first remarks were, Sir did you see the paper about the Appendectomy that i had only five weeks ago, and don't you think a couple of weeks more of rest should be in order ? and i have worn glasses all my life, he responds "you will do just fine" Please go thru that door.... Inside was a room with about 40 young men, soon we were told "raise your right hand (we were now on the payroll).  We were sent to a Camp in New Jersey Then on to Aberdeen, Maryland for Basic Training for 3 months, then i attended
the Ammo Supply School, also in Aberdeen, with all that training it was time for me to be sent to Germany,Korea,or some base in The U.S.. My Orders were Korea.

     I was given a train ticket New York To Tacoma, Wash. I traded the ticket for a plane ticket (giving me two more days home) and it was my first Plane ride. As usual Tacoma was used to assemble a Troop ship load of soldiers, after a few days orders were cut and soon we were loading aboard a large ship, and we were soon underway, packed four high. There was lots of talk about the war we were about to join, and the closer we got to Yokohama, the more feeling of depression hung over the entire ship. On the morning of our 11th day at sea, a headline in the ship newspaper announced (July 27 1953) a cease fire was declared in Korea. Those troopers who would never smile or talk much, were now talking and joking. The unbearable pressure was relieved ... Perhaps we won't be killed in this bloody War ! ! !

Next installment: Our ship arrives in Yokohama, then a train ride South

                                                   Jesse E. Kern
Korea 1953-54

Just About Sixty Years Past (i was drafted)

     So hard for me to believe,that about Sixty Years have passed, since i was a Soldier in Korea.
I was part of the Ordnance Corp, trained as an Ammunition Inspector and was on board a troopship, along with a couple of thousand others, all headed toward different locations in the divided nations of North and South Korea. The troop ship having left Tacoma, Washington, expected to make the Northern Crossing to Yokohama in just 11 days. 95% of those on board, were not eager about being sent into what was a killing ground. The other 5% were troops with assignment in Japan.

     As we proceeded on our ocean crossing day by day, we all read in the ship newspaper of the high number of our people still being killed and wounded (no cease fire at this time).  there was plenty of Depression on our ship. On the eleventh day of "our cruise to hell !) We read of a Cease-fire being signed in Korea ! That terrible Depression...just hanging over the ship, was lifted...
We all might live to have a normal family life with children. These same thought (of death at an early age) race through the minds of all Soldiers of all nations. On that day...July 27th 1953 Cease-Fire was declared. That  Intense War  in Korea, lasted about three years.. yet caused the death or injury of several million Soldiers and Civilians, then the United States (wanting to continue to have access to valuable raw materials) tried to block a National Revolution in Vietnam, they tried for seven years but were defeated and as  many troops as were killed in Korea. also perished in Vietnam.

     Next War, "Sadam is a bad man" (he murders his people, with poison gas) plus he's got them W.M.D and he may use them on us. Then we rip apart the Iraqi Army and now Big Oil (U.S.A) has got a secure grasp on the throat of all aspects of Iraqi Oil Production. Afghanistan, passing on to what Washington has been involved that far-away place (The # 1 producer of Heroin) Our Soldiers are being targeted for killings using using cell phones to trigger the bomb, just as they did when Osama bin Ladin was employed by C.I.A.  This aggressive policy that did not begin yesterday.I don't have the complete answer to those difficult questions, I began by joining Chapter 119 in Saint Pete of the Veterans For Peace, its a beginning,

All the above Scribblings are My Opinion.
Jesse Kern
Korea 1953-54

Be all that you can be, stay in school !

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Cover Photo

When: 4:00pm until 6:00pm 
Where: In front of the Tampa Bay Times printing plant, 1301 34 St. N in St. Petersburg 
Facebook Event:

Is this a protest of the Tampa Bay Times? No, this is a rally to encourage the media to speak out on behalf of whistleblowers and the Constitution, and to reject the false choice of privacy vs. security. We believe the content of what Edward Snowden exposed, namely that the NSA has been spying on Americans, deserves the media's full attention. The rally is also to show solidarity with Edward Snowden (and all whistleblowers like WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning) and to applaud Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia for offering Snowden asylum. 

Organizers, co-sponsors 
St. Pete for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Progressive Democrats of America - Pinellas, The Refuge, Friends of Human Rights, NatureCoast Coalition for Peace & Justice, Peace & Freedom Party of Florida, Occupy Tampa, Tampa Light Brigade. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Statement from Rev. Bruce Wright, from the General Welfare Cabinet position of the Green Shadow Cabinet, Regarding Poverty and the TPP


The much touted, at least by the Multi-National Corporations and some Governments, Transpacific Partnership agreement, has grave consequences for the so-called poor of the world, including the United States. This agreement, clouded in secrecy, has been characterized as something akin to NAFTA on steroids!  But, what exactly does it mean for the poor and working class of the United States?

Recent statistics released by the Census Bureau of the Federal Government indicate that half of the United States is now at or below the poverty line. This is a very serious and startling statement. At no time in the history of the United States has such a statement been true. Add to that the fact the gap between the rich and poor is also the widest in US history! With that you have one of the most serious situations of poverty in the so-called “developed Nations”.

Along with these statistics, add to it the ever increasing situation of homelessness, as well. We have the highest rate of homelessness or people without homes since the Depression. Additionally, our rate of homelessness is the highest in the “developed” world and in some “developing” nations. In my own state, Florida, we have the 2nd highest rate of homelessness in the US. In the Tampa Bay area, where I live, we have 25,000 individuals and families that are homeless. This is the highest rate per capita in the country! This is along with Florida ranking among the highest in real unemployment and foreclosures, as well as low wages.

So what has all this got to do with the TPP? The so-called “Transpacific Partnership” is at trade agreement attempting to be brokered for all the nations with waters on the Pacific Ocean, as well as Asian and Pacific Nations. The intent is to remove all “Trade Barriers” between Nations and Corporations so that trade becomes easier. These “Trade Barriers” are considered barriers to the movement of goods, services, and “commodities “  between countries.  Major multi-national corporations such as big Drug Companies, Walmart, Nike, Chevron, etc. support this because “these” trade barriers inhibit and sometimes prohibit some goods from going to and from countries.

These “trade barriers” include environmental safeguards, fair labor practices, inexpensive and generic drugs, safety regulations, indigenous sovereignty, national borders, regulations on GMO’s, and input from the public. If this were passed it would deeply impact the poor of the United States and the World.

Specifically, it’s implications to the poor and working class of the United States are grave and serious. This trade agreement, from information gathered thus far, would drive down wages even further, it would further eliminate safety regulations, it would ship more jobs overseas, including the service industry that employs many  working class and poor in electronically driven and telephone oriented work, it would also make it difficult to get necessary medications at affordable prices. Particularly, it would diminish significantly the use of “generic” drugs, of which are the most affordable to those with low income.

It would make foreign investment in real estate domestically easier to do and drive up prices, thus making affordable housing more difficult to obtain. Thus, in the end, the resulting effect of all this would be a continued and potentially dramatic increase in poverty, unemployment, and homelessness due to decreasing wages, further joblessness, and increased health costs. This only be true domestically, but internationally as well. A Race to the bottom!

It is with these very serious issues in mind, that we must resist at all levels the passing of the TPP! We must be involved in campaigns of resistance! We must inform each other and the general public of the dangers of this agreement. We must be willing to resist with our voice and actions, including disruption and direct action.

As a member of the Green Shadow Cabinet, I, as is the rest of the cabinet, am committed to a campaign of resistance. To allow this to pass, only strengthens the greed and avarice of the Multi-National Corporate global Fascist Capitalists and the Wealthy elites. It opens the doors to the Atlantic Trade agreement of the same nature.

We must and can resist this evil! We can and will resist this horrific trade agreement!

Rev. Bruce Wright , MA, DMin. , CPAC

Meet the Elite Business and Think-Tank Community That's Doing Its Best to Control the World

There's a New Fascism on the Rise, and the NSA Leaks Show Us What It Looks Like

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letter to the Editor

I am one of the 43% of veterans who applied for and used the GI Bill to work my way through college. You’ve read that right: 57% of the veterans who applied for the Montgomery GI Bill did not receive their benefits. According to the article “Military Money for College: A Reality Check” based on the research by Sam Diener and Jamie Munro, this means that 1.35 million veterans lost out on their education benefits. As an educator, this breaks my heart because much of the training and education that veterans receive while in the military does not translate to the civilian world. In fact, an article on states that many combat medics think that their medical training and experiences in the military will help them land a good job in the civilian medical field, but even though the veterans have saved lives and treated wounds under the most stressful conditions their opportunities are limited and are at the lower levels of the medical field.
Imagine my dismay when just this week the Coast Guard, Army, and Marine Corps suspended new enrollments for the popular tuition assistance programs to meet the cost-cutting demands of the sequestration process. Beyond this suspension, each of the nearly 250,000 military personnel enrolled in college courses will be considered new applicants once they complete their current courses, and they will be ineligible for assistance. It is beyond my scope of comprehension how we can take more away from military personnel while asking them to continue to execute impossible tasks, especially while Congress is frivolously spending money. A CNN report just last October states that Congress is forcing upon the military new tanks worth $181 million—there are currently more than 2,000 inactive M-1 Abrams tanks sitting at an Army depot in the California desert! The Army's chief of staff, Rep. Silvestre Reyes—who, since 2001, has received $64,000 from General Dynamics (the company that will likely receive the contract to build the tanks)—played the national security card, saying "we don't want to play Russian Roulette with the national security of this country." But I say that our destruction will come from the lack of education of our nation, at every level. This includes the men and women that we have trained to bring warfare around the world. It is true that we are welcoming these veterans back into our society, but we are doing so without aiding many of them to regain their humanness or educating them beyond those skills that cannot exist outside of the military without calling those skills criminal.

Mark Joseph Runge
Specialist, 5th Combat Engineer Group during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm
Veterans for Peace, Saint Petersburg Chapter 119