Friday, October 11, 2013

Yes! You Still Pull Guard Duty

I still pull Guard Duty ? Yes you do.!

     Only a week in Haeundae, and my name is once again on the bulletin board. All Guards report to the supply room, sign out a Thirty Caliber carbine and two banana clips, report to the orderly room for your instructions.

     My shift was something like three hours on then i get replaced, and a long ride back to our company area. I get dropped off and given strict instructions on just where my guarding was to be performed. My instructions went something like this... Pvt. Kern, your job tonight is to protect this 125 x 50 foot steel building, where are stored our most costly Ordnance (proximity fuses) and other high cost items.

     You will start at this end of the building, walk slowly to the end, right turn, then right turn again back to this point. (at this bulldozer) stop any Korean Civilians that you see crossing the depot at this area, and be alert, keep your weapon loaded. The Second Lt & Sarge then drove away. I was now at a far location, in a very large Ammo base.
     I put a clip in my weapon, and proceeded to climb into the seat of the Bulldozer and thats where i remained until several hours later when in the far distance i saw the headlights of the truck coming to pick me up.

P.S. Oh yes i saw plenty of Korean Farmers, hundreds of feet away, but they were no where near me, i just snuggled up against the steel protective back of the seat, and remained there until nature called me to piss (no more guard duty after that) My concern about my survival, were heightened by the fact that escaped P.O.W.'s Chinese and North Korean's (by the thousands) were wandering all over South Korea. Therefore I act to preserve #1 (Me).

Next: Good stuff from Home
                                                        Jesse Kern
                                                         Korea 1953-54

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