This occurred just before we all were shipped to Korea...
While receiving training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, in May 1953, I asked a fellow trainee, if we filled up his gas tank, would he take four of us into Baltimore, when he drove in to see his wife at their apartment for a few hours, then pick us up at the same spot for the ride back to the base James Heavel is his name and since James was a bit older (24) then us, we respected James like an older brother, James said "you just be at the spot where i will be dropping you off, Everyone understand !"
All went well...we put in $10.00 gas,almost filled his tank. We were let off at a main street, i beleive East Baltimore Street, we just drifted along checking out the Women and drinking in the atmosphere when i said lets go in here for a Brewski, Mac a colored Soldier* from Baltimore tried to stop me saying "Jess we won't get service in there" I just said Bullshit and we all went in. We lined up belly to the bar and called out to the Barmaid to please bring four cold Brewski's Mam, well! she stared at me and informed me, that the two White soldiers she would serve, but the two Colored Boys, she would sell them a couple of Beers to go. Mam we stand here in the uniform of our Country.....We are close friends, No! we are more like Brothers.....We wish to drink together....listen to some good country music.... to just relax.... soon we will be on our way to Korea. She said the law is the law! Don't cause a problem, I don't want to call for the M.P.'s. Arthur IrIck takes my arm (Arthur is my bunk mate, he sleeps on top) and the others head out the door. Soon we are at the pick-up spot and here comes our older Brother James Heavel, and as we jabber and discuss what has occured, James drives and lights a smoke, he is the most Relaxed person in the car and at last he speaks.. Hey Guys Things are changing... soon we will be drinking "together". This is how i never got my Brewski in Baltimore.
* Colored was acceptable in 1953
I Was called Whitey or White-boy
Jesse E Kern
Korea 1953-54
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